On-Demand Webinar!
Climbing the Ladder of Risk-Based Contracts

Risk-based contracts continue to expand in the healthcare industry, prompting a transition to value-based care. In this webinar, guests Cliff Frank and Dr. George Mayzell explore the key aspects of risk-based contracts and provide actionable insights for physicians and practitioners navigating this transformative shift.

In this webinar, participants will learn:

  • Key criteria to shift the internal culture to transition the organization for risk-readiness.
  • To incorporate the performance data and quality outcomes into a predictive care model. 
  • Suggestions for clinicians to promote appropriate care settings, strengthen patient relationships, and build trust in value-based models.




Daniel J. Marino

Managing Partner
Lumina Health Partners

cliff headshot circle


Cliff Frank

Lumina Health Partners

George headshot circle


Dr. George Mayzell

Managing Principal
Lumina Health Partners